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We design and facilitate workshops to help your team or group do their best thinking. Our facilitation work is grounded in the Art of Hosting participatory leadership practices including World Cafe, Open Space, Appreciative Inquiry, Collective Story Harvest and Pro-Action Cafe. We make extensive use of the Grove International’s visual facilitation methodologies, and Gestalt psychology based processes for intervening in group systems.


Our facilitation work is a always highly visual, which helps to get everyone thinking on the same page, see systems and interconnections, build on ideas over time, and ensure we have a record of our best ideas to easily access later.

Facilitated processes can include:

Graphic harvesting

Our visioning sessions are a colourful, inspiring and energising process, spanning from personal deep dives into dream space, to fast paced iterative group conversations.  


Live (often messy!) visuals created as we go, support participants to build on each other's thinking, allowing collective themes and a clear, inspiring picture of the way forward to emerge.

graphic harvesting

We use a ‘visual surround sound’ approach in our strategic planning sessions, graphically building your group’s thinking as we go. This allows for systems thinking, clarity in complexity and good dialogue around shared ideas.


The final output is a clear visual roadmap, making the way forward easy to share, engage others around, and keep top of mind.

graphic harvesting
graphic harvesting
& Ideation
& Knowledge Sharing

Need to innovate solutions for a specific challenge, need or group? These sessions blend context deep dives, blue sky thinking and visual iteration to explore innovative solutions to your challenge. 

We blend principles of Gamestorming, Design Thinking, 6 Thinking Hats, Graphic Facilitation, Theory U and others to custom design your session. 

People own the solutions they are part of creating. These sessions invite people to contribute their thinking and become part of the knowledge harvesting process. We tap into participant stories, ideas and insights through conversation and live drawn graphics.  

We blend principles of World Cafe, Collective Story Harvesting, Story mapping, Art of Harvesting, Appreciative Inquiry and Open Space.

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